Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 4/01/2024

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2.6.2. The quartus_staw Executable

The quartus_staw executable opens a graphical interface to perform interactive timing reporting and analysis of your Quartus® Prime project. The following methods are available:
  • To run the Timing Analyzer as a stand-alone GUI application, type the following at the command prompt:

quartus_staw can automatically open a project in the Timing Analyzer GUI if you specify the project name as an argument, as the following example shows. Specifying a project name as an argument saves you time because you do not have to browse to your project file after the GUI opens.

quartus_staw <project name>

You can specify a Tcl script that contains timing reporting and analysis commands to automatically run each time you open a project in the Timing Analyzer GUI. This feature allows you to easily define a uniform set of reports that the Timing Analyzer GUI always generates, saving you time when you open a new project for interactive timing reporting. Use the --report_script option and specify a path to your report script:

quartus_staw --report_script=<custom script>

You must include only reporting and analysis commands in your report script. Do not include Tcl commands that open or close projects, create the timing netlist, read .sdc files, or update the timing netlist. The report script runs after the Timing Analyzer completely prepares the timing netlist for analysis.

You can optionally specify the directory and file names for the output of the reporting and analysis commands. The output of the reporting commands in the script are visible in the Timing Analyzer GUI, in the folder names you specify, when the reporting script completes. At that point, you can perform other reporting or analysis, as necessary.