Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 4/01/2024

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2.3.3. SDC File Precedence

To ensure proper integration into the compilation flow, you must add any SDC-on-RTL and conventional SDC files to your project, as Step 1: Specifying General Timing Analyzer Settings describes. Alternatively, you can add files to your project by modifying the assignments in the project .qsf file directly.

The Compiler processes conventional SDC files in the order listed in the .qsf. You can add, remove, or change the processing order of .sdc files using Assignments > Settings > Timing Analyzer, or by modifying the .qsf directly.

Note: SDC-on-RTL files take precedence and the Compiler always processes .rtlsdc files before conventional .sdc files that target the timing netlist, regardless of order in Assignments > Settings > Timing Analyzer.

When using the read_sdc command at the command line without any arguments, the Compiler reads constraints in the following sequence:

  1. Initially, the Compiler reads any SDC-on-RTL constraints.
  2. Next, the Compiler reads any synthesis-only constraints that apply to only the synthesis stage.
  3. Next, the Compiler reads any conventional SDC constraints. For conventional SDC constraints, the following order applies:
    1. First, the Compiler processes constraints embedded in HDL files.
    2. Finally, the Compiler processes .sdc files based on file order.