Arm* Development Studio* for Intel® SoC FPGA Edition |
Arm* DS-5* for Intel® SoC FPGA Edition is not part of the SoC FPGA EDS package. Instead, it is replaced by Arm* DS* for Intel® SoC FPGA Edition which can be downloaded from the Download Center for FPGAs website. |
Hardware Library (HWLib) |
- Added the ability to use:
- Linaro* GCC compiler
- Standard C library for embedded systems: newlib
- Removed Mentor Graphics* CS3 dependency
- Added hardware init source
Python and OpenJDK |
- All software examples have been updated to use the Linaro* toolchain by default
- OpenJDK upgraded to match Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition version 20.1
- Host tools scripts upgraded to Python 3.8.1, including a rewrite for some of the secure boot tools