SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (EDS) Standard Version 20.1 Release Notes

ID 683202
Date 6/12/2020

Known Issues

Table 3.  Error when performing memory to memory transfer with non-flat virtual memory
Description: BareMetal application failed to perform memory to memory transfer with non-flat virtual memory.
Workaround: None
Table 4.   snprinf from newlib failed to print correctly on specifier with format %-*llu
Description: When using the function snprintf from newlib, the print out was not printed correctly when using the specifier with format %-*llu.
Workaround: None
Table 5.  L2 ECC not triggering after error is injected when new U-Boot is used
Description: This issue happens when we load the latest U-Boot to calibrate RAM before loading the BareMetal application; and ECC is not triggered when error is injected.
Workaround: None
Table 6.   alt_cache.c failed to write the control register 0xFFFEF108 when loaded with new U-Boot
Description: This issue happens when we load the latest U-Boot to calibrate RAM before loading the BareMetal application. The BareMetal application fails to write the control register (reg1_control, 0xFFFEF108) and causes the program to go into Abort Mode (ABT) mode.
Workaround: None
Table 7.   alt_cache.c failed to disable L1 data cache properly
Description: BareMetal application failed to disable L1 data cache.
Workaround: None