Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Getting Started Guide

ID 683188
Date 6/21/2022

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3.5.1. Enabling Backwards Compatibility for an FPGA Board

To enable a board with a downlevel OpenCL BSP, you need a version of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition with the same version number as the OpenCL BSP version.
For example, you can use Version 20.2 OpenCL BSP with Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Version 22.2 and Intel® Acceleration Stack Version 2.0.1 and Version 1.2.1.

After you have installed and configured the required version or versions of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition, you enable your backwards compatible boards by setting the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE environment variable and running the aocl install command so that your Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition version matches your OpenCL BSP version number.

Before you set the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE environment variable and run the aocl install command, install and configure the version of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition that your OpenCL BSP needs.

Also, install your FPGA board or boards following the instructions in Installing an FPGA Board.

To enable a board with a backwards compatible OpenCL BSP:

  1. Set the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE to point to the version of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition that your OpenCL BSP needs.
    For example, if you have Version 20.2 OpenCL BSP, QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE must point at Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 20.2:
    export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE=<path_to_quartus_install>/quartus
  2. Run the aocl install <path_to_customplatform> command with the path to your backward compatible OpenCL BSP as the value for <path_to_customplatform>.
    For example, to point to a Version 20.2 OpenCL BSP for the Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit Reference Platform, install the board as follows:
    aocl install <YOUR_PATH_TO_V20.2_OPENCL_BSPs>/a10_ref
After you complete these steps, Intel® SDK for OpenCL™ commands like aocl diagnose should work correctly with your back-level OpenCL BSP.