Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization

ID 683174
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Memory Block Optimization

Memory optimization involves moving user-defined read/write enable signals to associated read-and-write clock enable signals for all memory types.

Memory blocks can represent a large fraction of total design dynamic power. Minimizing the number of memory blocks accessed during each clock cycle can significantly reduce memory power.

Figure 20. Memory Block Transformation

In the default implementation of a simple dual-port memory block, write-clock enable signals and read-clock enable signals connect to VCC, making both read and write memory ports active during each clock cycle.

Memory transformation moves the read-enable and write-enable signals to the respective read-clock enable and write-clock enable signals. This technique reduces the design’s memory power consumption, because memory ports are shut down when they are not accessed.