Visible to Intel only — GUID: odv1690226440110
Ixiasoft Specify Instance-Specific Constraints in Assignment Editor Specify NoC Constraints in NoC Assignment Editor Specify Dual Simplex Assignments in DS Assignment Editor Specify I/O Constraints in Pin Planner Plan Interface Constraints in Interface Planner and Tile Interface Planner Adjust Constraints with the Chip Planner Constraining Designs with the Design Partition Planner
3.2.1. Assigning to Exclusive Pin Groups
3.2.2. Assigning Slew Rate and Drive Strength
3.2.3. Assigning I/O Banks
3.2.4. Changing Pin Planner Highlight Colors
3.2.5. Showing I/O Lanes
3.2.6. Assigning Differential Pins
3.2.7. Entering Pin Assignments with Tcl Commands
3.2.8. Entering Pin Assignments in HDL Code
Visible to Intel only — GUID: odv1690226440110
3.2.3. Assigning I/O Banks
Some Intel® FPGA devices support assignments to I/O banks. I/O banks are a logical grouping of I/O pins for convenience in making certain types of assignments, such as I/O standard assignments.
When targeting a device family that supports I/O bank assignments, the I/O Bank cell value automatically populates in Pin Planner once you select a corresponding pin Location. The rows for various I/O banks are color coded for easy visual identification.
Figure 63. Pin Location and I/O Bank Cells in Pin Planner
When you save your Pin Planner constraints, the pin location saves to the project .qsf that also saves the I/O bank locations as a comment. Command-line users can use this comment to identify I/O bank locations for the placed pins without launching the Quartus® Prime software GUI.
Figure 64. I/O Bank Location Saved As Comment in QSF