Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Synthesis

ID 683122
Date 3/28/2022

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1.7. Synthesizing the Design and Evaluating the Results

During synthesis, the Precision Synthesis software optimizes the compiled design, and then writes out netlists and reports to the implementation subdirectory of your working directory after the implementation is saved, using the following naming convention:

<project name>_impl_<number>

After synthesis is complete, you can evaluate the results for area and timing. The Precision RTL Synthesis User’s Manual describes different results that can be evaluated in the software.

There are several schematic viewers available in the Precision Synthesis software: RTL schematic, Technology-mapped schematic, and Critical Path schematic. These analysis tools allow you to quickly and easily isolate the source of timing or area issues, and to make additional constraint or code changes to optimize the design.