System Console and Toolkit Tcl Command Reference Manual

ID 683101
Date 6/26/2023

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2.2.7. _hw.tcl Eye Properties

Name Description
X_AXIS_OFFSET This property shifts the x number axis by this property's value. Note: this offset is not an offset of the eye data array. It is the offset of the range of the axis. Also note: if a specific offset is desired that is independent of the step value, then use the equation: Axis_Offset - (Axis_Offset % Step_Value).
X_STEP The step amount for x_values displayed on the x_axis number line. This is the distance between samples on the eye. If this value is x, then the distance between samples will be x.
X_UNIT Label for the x_unit. Must be from a set defined in EEyeHorizontalUnits.
Y_AXIS_OFFSET This property shifts the y number axis by this property's value. Note: this offset is not an offset of the eye data array. It is the offset of the range of the axis. Also note: if a specific offset is desired that is independent of the step value, then use the equation: Axis_Offset - (Axis_Offset % Step_Value).
Y_STEP The step amount for y_values displayed on the y_axis number line. This is the distance between samples on the eye. If this value is x, then the distance between samples will be x.
Y_UNIT Label for the y_unit. Must be from a set defined in EEyeVerticalUnits.
Z_LEGEND This is a string that is used to define the z legend. The format is {{value0 label0} color0 {value1 label1} color1 {value2 label2}}. This allows for any colors, labels, or values to be used to build the legend.
Z_UNIT This is the label for the values in the eye diagram. This takes a list of strings. These strings correspond to the values at each point in the eye diagram. If multiple labels are supplied to this property, they will be matched to the per point lists in the eye diagram data. The first value in the per point list will be used to create the colors for the eye diagram.
Z_UNIT_TYPE This is the type of the values in the z_legend. Currently, must be an INTEGER or DOUBLE.