P-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683059
Date 4/04/2024

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4.2.1. Interface Clock Signals

Table 47.  Interface Clock Signals
Name I/O Description EP/RP/BP Clock Frequency
coreclkout_hip O

This clock drives the Application Layer.

The frequency depends on the data rate and the number of lanes being used.


Native Gen3: 250 MHz

Native Gen4: 175 MHz / 200 MHz / 225 MHz / 350 MHz / 400 MHz / 450 MHz ( Stratix® 10 DX)

Native Gen4: 175 MHz / 200 MHz / 225 MHz / 250 MHz / 350 MHz / 400 MHz / 450 MHz / 500 MHz ( Agilex™ 7)

refclk[1:0] I

These are the input reference clocks for the IP core. These clocks must be free-running.

For more details on how to connect these clocks, refer to P-tile Dual-Endpoint System Configurations.

EP/RP/BP 100 MHz ± 300 ppm
p<n>_hip_reconfig_clk I Clock for the hip_reconfig interface. This is an Avalon® -MM interface. It is an optional interface that is enabled when the Enable HIP dynamic reconfiguration of PCIe read-only registers option in the PCIe Configuration, Debug and Extension Options tab is enabled.

This clock must be provided with or connected to a clock source when you enable this interface.


50 MHz - 125 MHz (range)

100 MHz (recommended)

xcvr_reconfig_clk I Clock for the PHY reconfiguration interface. This is an Avalon® -MM interface. This optional interface is enabled when you turn on the Enable PHY reconfiguration option in the Top-Level Settings tab. This interface is shared among all the cores.

This clock must be provided with or connected to a clock source when you enable this interface.


50 MHz - 125 MHz (range)

100 MHz (recommended)

p<n>_cpl_timeout_avmm_clk I Avalon® -MM clock for Completion timeout interface. This interface is optional, and is enabled when the Enable Completion Timeout Interface option in the PCIe Avalon Settings tab is enabled.

This clock must be provided with or connected to a clock source when you enable this interface.


50 MHz - 125 MHz (range)

100 MHz (recommended)