P-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683059
Date 4/04/2024

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Document Table of Contents

E.1. Overview

This appendix describes how to set up an Intel P-Tile PCIe Gen4 x16 Endpoint simulation using Avery BFMs for the Synopsys VCS simulator.

The Avery BFM simulation example described here is based on the PCIe Programmed I/O (PIO) example design generated from the Quartus® Prime PCIe IP GUI. Although the simulation flow and testbench setup leverage the Quartus® Prime example design testbench files, a similar flow and setup can be used for other PCIe system simulations with the P-Tile PCIe IP core.

Figure 98. Simulation Flow
Software Requirements
  • Quartus® Prime version 20.3 or later
  • Intel P-Tile Avalon® -MM/ Avalon® -ST PCIe IP version 3.1.0 or later
  • Avery BFM version 2.2b
  • Synopsys VCS Simulator version O-2018.09-SP2-2

Simulation Script Files

The following table describes the files required for running simulations and the locations where they need to be. Contact your local Field Applications Engineer (FAE) to get a sample copy of these files.

You can use these files as-is for Gen4 x16 PIO simulations based on the P-Tile PCIe PIO example design.

Table 153.  Simulation Script Files
File Name Description Destination Folder
apci_top_rc.sv Avery BFMs (Gen4 x16) and memory write & read traffic generation <example design folder>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim
pci_ed_tb.sv Top-level testbench including Avery BFMs and PCIe PIO example design <example design folder>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim

List of design example simulation files

Note: The testbench top level is a System Verilog file called pcie_ed_tb.sv.
<example design folder>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/common
avery_files_vcs.f Avery BFM simulation files <example design folder>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/synopsys/vcs
vcs_setup.sh VCS simulation script <example design folder>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/synopsys/vcs