User Level Terminology
Node: A node is another term for a server in the cluster.
Nodefile: A nodefile is a file containing a list of nodes and optioninally their roles. The nodefile is a list of individual server names, one per line. The nodefile directs Intel® Cluster Checker which servers or nodes to examine.
Configuration File: The configuration file is an XML file that provides greater configuration of Intel® Cluster Checker. By default this is found in <install-location>/clck/<version>/etc/ - the default configuration file used can be changed at runtime with the -c runtime option.
Framework Definition: At a high level, a frameword definition is a set of test(s) and analysis Cluster Checker will run. A user selects from a list of available framework definitions they desire cluster checker to check. Under the covers, a framework definition is a XML file that defines the scope of data collection and analysis.
Issue: An issue is an observation about the cluster. It may indicate a problem or provide additional information. Issues can either be an observation or a diagnosis.
Remedy: A potential actionable solution to the issue.
Observation: An observation provides objective information about the cluster. It may indicate a problem or provide additional information. Observations may indicate a broader problem, in which case they would lead to a diagnosis. For example, a cluster with different amounts of memory per node would produce a memory not uniform observation.
Extended Level Terminology
Analyzer Extension: During analysis, an analyzer extension filters raw data for use by the knowledge base modules.
Data Provider: A data provider defines what data to collect from the cluster.
Knowledge Base Module: A knowledge base module contains a group of rules.
Message Catalog: The message catalog contains messages for display. Each issue has a message ID that maps to a message in the message catalog.
Diagnosis: A diagnosis is a broader inference based on one or more observations. For example, non-uniform memory would lead to a broader non-uniform hardware diagnosis.
Rule: A rule takes data and, if the data meets certain conditions, triggers an observation or diagnosis. Rules are implemented in the CLIPS language.