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Why Does My Intel® Partner Alliance Account Have Negative Points?

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000059782   |   Last Reviewed: 12/18/2024


Unable to determine why there are negative points in Intel Partner Alliance dashboard.


Negative points balance may happen due to the following reasons:

  • During redemption, the system may allow you to redeem rewards or products that are higher than your current points balance. This results in a negative points balance.
  • The points were awarded incorrectly to the Intel Partner Alliance account.

When account points balance becomes negative:

  1. Submit a request to Intel Customer Support (sign in required).
  2. Enter details in the text box, Tell us about your issue or question regarding  Intel® Partner Alliance.
  3. Click Next:Details button to include any attachments (screenshots, photos, files, or others).
  4. Select opt-in or opt-out opportunity to participate in Customer Improvement Program.
  5. Click Submit Request button.

A representative will contact you within one business day. From there we will validate invoices associated to the account, calculate the missing points (if applicable), and coordinate with the Intel® Partner Alliance team on your behalf.

Valid missing points will be awarded within two weeks upon confirmation from the Intel® Partner Alliance team.