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Intel® Wireless Software Package and Driver Version Explanation

Content Type: Identify My Product   |   Article ID: 000026008   |   Last Reviewed: 02/06/2025

Why the Intel® Wireless software version that I downloaded is different from what I see in Device Manager as driver version?

You may see two version numbers with the Intel® Wireless Adapters:

  • Software package version
    This is the version of the software or driver package of the Intel® Wireless Adapter.
    • Wi-Fi: Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software (No longer included for package 20.120 and later for Windows® 10)
    • Bluetooth®: Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® (Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth®)
    • WiGig: Intel® Wireless Dock Manager
    The software version is also known as the package or release version and is the version used on Download Center.

The software package typically contains various driver versions for different Intel® Wireless Adapter and operating system (OS) combinations. Find the driver version in a specific software package release by looking at the Detailed Description or the Release Note of that release on the Download Center.

example image

Note Not all drivers included in the package always receive an update. This means certain drivers may be the same driver from previous package. You don't need to update to the latest package in this case as the driver is the same.