Ro Cammarota

Senior Principal Engineer

Research Areas

  • Algorithms

  • Architecture

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Encryption

  • Trusted Platforms



Rosario Cammarota, known as "Ro," is a Senior Principal Engineer and Chief Scientist of Privacy-Enhanced Computing Research at Intel Labs' Emerging Security Lab. He leads the Privacy Technologies Research organization, focusing on the theory, application, and standardization of encrypted data processing. Ro serves as the Principal Investigator for the Intel Encrypted Computing program (graduated from DARPA DPRIVE) and oversees Intel's academic centers specializing in AI privacy, cryptography, and security mechanisms. Additionally, he spearheads the standardization of encrypted data processing methods at ISO/IEC.

Ro earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine, in 2013. He is a prolific author and inventor, with over 50 peer-reviewed articles and more than 50 US patents to his name. A Senior Member of IEEE, he has received the SRC “Mahboob Khan” Outstanding Industry Liaison Award in 2017, 2018, and 2019.