UNO-2271G V2
About this offer
Advantech new UNO-2000 series of embedded automation computers are highly ruggedized. The fanless, modular design of UNO- 2271G features optimized I/O and offers three different 2nd stack expansion modules. UNO-2000 series provide flexible and time-to-market support for a variety of applications.
Technical Specifications
- Category:
- System: Industrial Computer
- Operating Systems:
Linux* Ubuntu family*
Linux* Ubuntu family* Ubuntu*
Microsoft Windows Client* Windows 10 family*
Microsoft Windows Client* Windows 10 family* Windows 10*
- End Customer Type:
Small and Medium sized Business
Included Intel Technology

Intel® Celeron® Processor

Intel® Celeron® Processor N Series

Intel® Pentium® Processor

Intel® Pentium® Processor N Series
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Uno-2271g V2
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