GTS Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 819200
Date 1/13/2025
Document Table of Contents In-Band Calendar Bits on Transmit Side

Rev 1.1 only supports two logical channels, channel 0 and channel 1. The channel selection is controlled via itx_chan which indicates a valid channel carried by the control or idle word.

Individual flow control for channel 0 and channel 1 is sampled from itx_chan0_xon and itx_ch1_xon respectively. A value of 1 set to itx_chan and itx_chan1_xon indicates channel 1 is valid and flow control for channel 1 is set to XON. The two individual flow controls will make into bits [41:40] of control word.

The itx_chan, itx_chan0_xon and itx_ch1_xon are synchronous to clk_tx_common and sample when itx_sop and itx_idle is asserted.