XAUI PHY Release Notes

ID 683816
Date 5/08/2017

1.2. XAUI PHY IP Core v14.1 Revision History

Table 2.  v14.1 December 2014
Description Impact
The Quartus II software v14.1 requires that you specify a device if your IP core targets the Arria 10 device family. If you do not specify your target Arria 10 device, the IP Upgrade tool insists that your IP core requires upgrade, but does not clarify the reason. You must ensure that you specify a device for your v13.1 Arria 10 Edition or v14.0 Arria 10 Edition IP core variation and regenerate it in the Quartus II software v14.1.
Added the Enable phase compensation FIFO parameter. -
Added the xgmii_rx_inclk port, which is available when Enable phase compensation FIFO is enabled. -
Added the pll_cal_busy_i port, which connects to the pll_cal_busy output port of the external PLL. -
Added a new Arria 10 SDC constraint requirement. Refer to the "XAUI PHY TimeQuest SDC Constraint" section of the Arria 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide. -