Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Settings File Reference Manual

ID 683296
Date 12/04/2023

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This guides how aggressively the Fitter will pack ALMs when trying to place registers into desired LAB locations. Specifically, this option can be used to increase the usage of secondary register locations during placement. Increasing ALM packing density may lower the number of ALMs needed to fit the design but it may also reduce routing flexibility and timing performance. It should also be noted that this setting is used as a hint for the Fitter only. Low - The Fitter will avoid ALM packing configurations that combine LUTs and registers which have no direct connectivity. Avoiding these configurations may improve timing performance but will increase the number of ALMs used to implement the design. Medium - The Fitter allows some configurations that combine unconnected LUTs and registers to be implemented in ALM locations. The Fitter will make more usage of secondary register locations within the ALM.> High - The Fitter enables all legal and desired ALM packing configurations. In dense designs, the Fitter will automatically increase the ALM register packing effort as required to enable the design to fit.




  • High
  • Low
  • Medium

Device Support

  • This setting can be used in projects targeting any Intel FPGA device family.




set_global_assignment -name ALM_REGISTER_PACKING_EFFORT <value>

Default Value
