Agilex™ 7 Embedded Memory User Guide

ID 683241
Date 10/21/2024

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3.5. Reduce Power Consumption

Reduce AC power consumption of each memory block in your design:

  • Use the Agilex™ 7 memory block clock enables to control the clocking of each embedded memory block.
  • Use the read enable signal to ensure that read operations occur only when necessary. If your design does not require read-during-write, you can reduce power consumption by deasserting the read enable signal during write operations and when there are no memory operations.
  • Use the Quartus® Prime software to automatically place embedded memory blocks in low-power mode to reduce static power.
  • Use half of the memory bits (width×depth) of the M20K to reduce power consumption automatically. This is an automatic feature set by Quartus® Prime software.