AN 827: Unified Tool for Generating Programming Files

ID 683212
Date 10/29/2018

1.6. Output File Types

The following table describes the output file types that you can generate with the Programming File Generator tool:

Table 2.  Output File Types
Programming File Type Extension Description
Hexadecimal ( Intel® -Format) Output File for SRAM .hexout Contains configuration data for use outside the Intel® software.
Jam Byte Code File .jbc Stores programming data for programming, configuring, verifying, and blank-checking one or more devices in a JTAG chain, in binary format.
Note: .jbc conversion is only available in the command line.
Jam File .jam Similar to .jbc files, but in ASCII format.
Note: .jam conversion is only available in the command line.
JTAG Indirect Configuration File .jic
  • Proprietary Intel® FPGA file type.
  • Enables serial flash programming via Intel® FPGA JTAG pins.
  • Works only for Active Serial configuration.
  • Before programming the flash, the Programmer first configures the FPGA with the Serial Flash Helper Design.
Programmer Object File .pof
  • Proprietary Intel® FPGA file type.
  • Allows to program into an external flash, such as programming CFI flash with the PFL IP core via JTAG header, or programming a serial flash via Active Serial header.
Raw Binary File .rbf

You use .rbf files for passive configuration mode, such as Passive Serial (PS), Fast Passive Parallel (FPP), or Avalon® -Streaming (AvST) mode.

If the design does not use the Intel PFL Intel® FPGA IP, then external hosts such as a CPU or microcontroller use this file to configure Intel FPGAs.

Raw Programming Data File .rpd
  • Only for Active Serial configuration.
  • You can program this file into the serial flash with any third party programmer or Intel® FPGA IP, such as ASMI Parallel or Serial Flash Controller.
  • The .rpd file content has a bit swapped if compared to the output file.
Serial Vector Format File .svf Stores programming data for programming, verifying, and blank-checking one or more fixed-algorithm devices in a JTAG chain in Automated Test Equipment (ATE)-type programming environments.

.svf files can do FPGA configuration and flash programming.

Note: .svf conversion is only available in the command line.
Tabular Text File .ttf Contains configuration data for use outside the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.