Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Getting Started Guide

ID 683188
Date 9/26/2022

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3.6.3. Building the Host Application

Build the host executable with the <local_path_to_exm_opencl_hello_world>/hello_world/Makefile file.

To build the host application, perform the following tasks:

  1. If you did not run the aocl install command when performing the steps from Installing an FPGA Board, you must execute the following command:
    aocl install -fcd-only <board_package_path>/a10_ref

    The ICD driver links the host against the, which requires the FPGA Client Driver (FCD) installed. For installing FCD, refer to Installing an FPGA Board.

    Note: If you do not have the root privilege, refer to Installing an FPGA Board.
  2. Navigate to the hello_world directory.
  3. Invoke the make command.
    The hello_world executable is generated in the bin sub-directory.
  4. If you performed the step 1, then you must execute the following command:
    aocl uninstall -fcd-only <board_package_path>/a10_ref