2023.06.26 |
23.2 |
3.1.0 |
Updated the ordering code in Table: JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Release Information. |
2023.02.10 |
21.3 |
1.1.0 |
- Fixed the links in Table 1: Related Documents.
- Updated the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Archives section.
2021.10.22 |
21.3 |
1.1.0 |
- Updated the description for Control and Status Registers clarify that registers that are Read-Writable must be protected to comply with Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) practices.
- Updated information about bit[31:16] in Table: rx_status4.
- Updated Table: Brief Information about the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP to include support for QuestaSim* simulator.
- Updated the description for Frame clock frequency multiplier (FCLK_MULP) in Table: JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters.
2021.06.16 |
21.2 |
1.1.0 |
- Removed NCSim support from the list of design tools in Table: Brief Information about the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP .
- Updated the description for TX/RX device clock in Table: JESD204C IP Clocks.
- Added information about the reference clocks of the transceiver and core PLLs in the Device Clock section.
2021.03.12 |
20.1 |
1.1.0 |
Updated Table: rx_err_link_reinit to correct the bit 0 name from syncref_lemc_err_en_reinit to sysref_lemc_err_en_reinit. |
2020.10.05 |
20.1 |
1.1.0 |
Corrected the description for sampling SYSREF in the Local Extended Multiblock Clock section. The IP uses the link clock to sample SYSREF, not the frame clock. |
2020.05.04 |
20.1 |
1.1.0 |
- Added Device Family Support section.
- Updated the supported data rate for the different fabric speed grades for Intel Agilex® 7 and Intel® Stratix® 10 devices in the Performance and Resource Utilization section.
- Added information about the new Multilink mode parameter in the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters section.
- Added a note for the Frame data width multiplier (WIDTH_MULP) parameter in the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters section. Select the smallest data width multiplier value on the list. Other data width multiplier values are not allowed.
- Edited the range of values supported for the Control bits (CS) parameter.
- Added information about the following two new signals for multilink mode in the Receiver Signals section:
- j204c_rx_dev_emblock_align
- j204c_rx_alldev_emblock_align
2019.12.16 |
19.4 |
1.1.0 |
- Updated the supported maximum data rate to 28.9 Gbps (for Intel Agilex® 7 devices) in the Overview of the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP , JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Features, and Functional Description sections.
- Updated the resource utilization data for Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel Agilex® 7 devices, and the supported maximum data rate to 28.9 Gbps for Intel® Stratix® 10 and Intel Agilex® 7 devices in the Performance and Resource Utilization section.
- Updated the maximum data rate value option to 28.9 Gbps for the Data Rate parameter in the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters section.
- Added a note to set specific data rates when the frame clock multiplier is 2 in the description for the Frame clock frequency multiplier (FCLK_MULP) parameter in the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters section.
- Added a note to insert 2 pipeline stages for high data rates in the description for the parameter in the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Parameters section.
- Removed the Validated VariantsEnable TX pipestage (Transmitter) table.
2019.10.23 |
19.3 |
1.0.0 |
- Added advance support for Intel Agilex® 7 devices.
- Updated the related document links and the acronyms, glossary, and symbols lists in the About the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IPEnable TX pipestage User Guide section.
- Updated the JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Features section with maximum data rate information for Intel Agilex® 7 devices.
- Updated the Performance and Resource Utilization section with Intel Agilex® 7 devices information.
- Edited the maximum SYSREF frequency calculation in the LEMC Counter section for clarity.
2019.07.05 |
19.2 |
1.0.0 |
Initial release. |