Install oneTBB on Linux* OS
This section describes how you can deploy the oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) library on a Linux* machine. Choose the preferred way:
Install oneTBB Using Command Line
Install oneTBB Using Package Managers of choice:
Install oneTBB Using Command Line
To install oneTBB, run one of the following commands according to your role:
sh ./l_[Toolkit Name]Kit_[version].sh --silent --eula accept --components intel.oneapi.lin.tbb.devel
sudo sh ./l_[Toolkit Name]Kit_[version].sh -a --silent --eula accept --components intel.oneapi.lin.tbb.devel
--silent - Run the installer in non-interactive (silent) mode.
--eula - Accept or decline End User License Agreement (EULA), supported values: accept or decline (default).
--components – Let you custom installed components.
For example:
sudo sh ./ --silent --eula accept --components intel.oneapi.lin.tbb.devel
Install oneTBB Using Package Managers
Follow the instructions, using a package manager of your choice.
This section provides general instructions on installing the oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) via the Conda* package manager. For additional installation notes, refer to the Conda documentation.
To install oneTBB, run the following command:
conda install -c intel tbb-devel
You can also use: conda install -c intel/label/intel tbb-devel
To install oneTBB using APT*, run:
sudo apt-get install intel-tbb-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>-<BUILD_NUMBER>
For example:
sudo apt-get install intel-tbb-2021.5-1.738
To install oneTBB using YUM*, run:
yum install intel-tbb-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>-<BUILD_NUMBER>
For example:
yum install intel-tbb-2021.5-1.738
To install oneTBB using PIP*, run:
pip install -c intel tbb==<version>
For example:
pip install -c intel tbb==2021.5
To install oneTBB from NuGet* using the command line, do the following:
Go to
nuget install inteltbb.devel.linux
Upgrading oneTBB
The seamless upgrade is supported for oneTBB 2021.1 and later versions. To upgrade oneTBB to the latest version, run the setup, as described above.
If you used to work with older versions (TBB), consider that the new versions of oneTBB do not provide backward compatibility. See TBB Revamp: Background, Changes, and Modernization for details. Also, refer to Migrating from TBB for more information on migrating to oneTBB.