Intel® oneAPI Collective Communications Library Benchmark User Guide

ID 816913
Date 3/22/2024

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oneCCL Benchmark User Guide

The oneCCL benchmark provides performance measurements for the collective operations in oneCCL, such as:

  • allreduce

  • reduce

  • allgather

  • alltoall

  • alltoallv

  • reduce-scatter

  • broadcast

The benchmark is distributed with the oneCCL package. You can find it in the examples directory within the oneCCL installation path.

Build oneCCL Benchmark


To build the benchmark, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure your environment. Source the installed oneCCL library for the CPU-only support:

    source <ccl installation dir>/ccl/latest/env/ --ccl-configuration=cpu
  2. Navigate to <oneCCL install location>/share/doc/ccl/examples

  3. Build the benchmark with the following command:

    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/build/_install && cmake --build build -j $(nproc) -t install


  1. Configure your environment.

    • Source the Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler. See the documentation for the instructions.

    • Source the installed oneCCL library for the CPU-GPU support:

      source <ccl installation dir>/ccl/latest/env/ --ccl-configuration=cpu_gpu_dpcpp
  2. Navigate to <oneCCL install location>/share/doc/ccl/examples.

  3. Build the SYCL benchmark with the following command:

    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icx -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpx -DCOMPUTE_BACKEND=dpcpp -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/build/_install && cmake --build build -j $(nproc) -t install

Run oneCCL Benchmark

To run the benchmark, use the following command:

mpirun -np <N> -ppn <P> benchmark [arguments]


  • N is the overall number of processes

  • P is the number of processes within a node

The benchmark reports:

  • #bytes - the message size in the number of bytes

  • #repetitions - the number of iterations

  • t_min - the average time across iterations of the fastest process in each iteration

  • t_max - the average time across iterations of the slowest process in each iteration

  • t_avg - the average time across processes and iterations

  • stddev - standard deviation

  • wait_t_avg - the average wait time after the collective call returns and until it completes To enable, use the -x option.

Notice that t_min, t_max, and t_avg measure the total collective execution time. It means the timer starts before calling oneCCL API and ends once the collective completes. While wait_t_avg only measures the wait time. It means the timer starts after the collective API call returns control to the host/calling thread and ends once the collective completes. Thus, wait_t_avg does not include the time spent on the oneCCL API call, while t_min, t_max, and t_avg include that time. Time is reported in μsec.

Benchmark Arguments

To see the benchmark arguments, use the --help argument.

The benchmark accepts the following arguments:



Default Value

-b, --backend

Specify the backend. The possible values are host and sycl. For a CPU-only build, the backend is automatically set to host, and only the host option is available. For a CPU-GPU build, host and sycl options are available, and sycl is the default value. The host value allocates buffers in the host (CPU) memory, while the sycl value allocates buffers in the device (GPU) memory.


-i, --iters

Specify the number of iterations executed by the benchmark.


-w, --warmup_iters

Specify the number of the warmup iterations. It means the number of iterations the benchmark runs before starting the timing of the iterations specified with the -i argument.


-j, --iter_policy

Specify the iteration policy. Possible values are off and auto. When the iteration policy is off, the number of iterations is the same across the message sizes. When the iteration policy is auto, the number of iterations reduces based on the message size of the collective operation.


-n, --buf_count

Specify the number of collective operations the benchmark calls in each iteration. Each collective uses different send and receive buffers. The explicit wait calls are placed for each collective after all of them are called.


-f, --min_elem_count

Specify the minimum number of elements used for the collective.


-t, --max_elem_count

Specify the maximum number of elements used for the collective.


-y, --elem_counts

Specify a list with the number of elements used for the collective, , such as [-y 4, 8, 32, 131072].

[1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]

-c, --check

Check for correctness. The possible values are off (disable checking), last (check the last iteration), and all (check all the iterations).


-p, --cache

Specify whether to use persistent collectives (p=1) or not (p=0).

A collective is persistent when the same collective is called with the same parameters multiple times. OneCCL generates a schedule for each collective it runs and can apply optimizations when persistent collectives are used. It means the schedule is generated once and reused across the subsequent invocations, saving the time to generate the schedule.


-q, --inplace

Specify for oneCCL to use in-place (1) or out-of-place (0) buffers. With the in-place buffers, the send and receive buffers used by the collective are the same. With the out-of-place, the buffers are different.


-a, --sycl_dev_type

Specify the type of the SYCL device. The possible values are host, cpu, and gpu.


-g, --sycl_root_dev

Specify to use the root devices (0) and sub-devices (1).


-m, --sycl_mem_type

Specify the type of SYCL memory. The possible values are usm (unified shared memory) and buf (buffers).


-u, --sycl_usm_type

Specify the type of SYCL device. The possible values are device or shared.


-e, --sycl_queue_type

Specify the type of the SYCL queue. The possible values are in_order and out_order.


-l, --coll

Specify the collective to run. Accept a comma-separated list, without whitespace characters, of collectives to run. The available collectives are allreduce, reduce, alltoallv, alltoall, allgatherv, reduce-scatter, broadcast.


-d, --dtype

Specify the datatype. Accept a comma-separated list, without whitespace characters, of datatypes to benchmark. The available types are int8, int32, int64, uint64, float16, float32, and bfloat16.


-r, --reduction

Specify the type of the reduction. Accept a coma-separated list, without whitespace characters, of the reduction operations to run. The available operations are sum, prod, min, and max.


-o, --csv_filepath

Specify to store the output in the specified CSV file. User specifies the csv_filepath/file_to_store CSV-formatted data into


-x, --ext

Specify to show the additional information. The possible values are off, auto, and on. With on, it also displays the average wait time.


-h, --help

Show all of the supported options.

The -t and -f options specify the count in number of elements, so the total number of bytes is obtained by multiplying the number of elements by the number of bytes of the data type the collective uses. For instance, with -f 128 and fp32 datatype, the total amount of bytes is 512 (128 element count * 4 bytes FP32). The benchmark runs and reports time for message sizes that correspond to the -t and -f arguments and all message sizes that are powers of two in between these two numbers.



The following example shows how to run the benchmark with the GPU buffers:

mpirun -n <N> -ppn <P> benchmark -a gpu -m usm -u device -l allreduce -i 20 -j off -f 1024 -t 67108864 -d float32 -p 0 -e in_order

The above command runs:

  • The allreduce collective operation

  • With a total of N processes

  • With P processes per node allocating the memory in the GPU

  • Using SYCL Unified Shared Memory (USM) of the device type

  • 20 iterations

  • With the element count from 1024 to 67108864 (the benchmark runs with all the powers on two in that range) of float32 datatype, assuming the collective is not persistent and using a SYCL in-order queue

Similar for allreduce and reduce_scatter:

mpirun -n <N> -ppn <P> benchmark -a gpu -m usm -u device -l allreduce,reduce_scatter -i 20 -j off -f 1024 -t 67108864 -d float32 -p 0 -e in_order
In this case, the time reported is the accumulated time corresponding to the execution time of allreduce and reduce_scatter.


mpirun -b host -n <N> -ppn <P> benchmark -l allreduce -i 20 -j off -f 1024 -t 67108864 -d float32 -p 0

The above command specifies to run

  • The allreduce collective operation

  • With a total of N processes

  • With P processes per node

  • 20 iterations

  • With the element count from 1024 to 67108864 (the benchmark runs with all the powers on two in that range) of float32 datatype, assuming the collective is not persistent

Similar for allreduce and reduce_scatter:

mpirun -b host -n <N> -ppn <P> benchmark -l allreduce,reduce_scatter -i 20 -j off -f 1024 -t 67108864 -d float32 -p 0