Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-5634695E-FE6B-43CF-A1C8-D25056417227
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-5634695E-FE6B-43CF-A1C8-D25056417227
Small Register Mode vs. Large Register Mode
Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series products support two GRF modes: small GRF mode and large GRF mode. Each XVE has a total of 64 KB of register space In Small GRF mode, a single hardware thread can access 128 GRF registers, each of which is 64B wide. In this mode, 8 hardware threads are available per XVE. In Large GRF mode, a single hardware thread can access 256 GRF registers, each of which is 64B wide. In this mode, 4 hardware threads are available per XVE.
There are two ways to control how Intel® Graphics Compiler (IGC) selects between these two modes: (1) command line and (2) per-kernel specification. In this chapter, we provide a step-by-step guideline on how users can provide this control for both SYCL and OpenMP applications.
GRF Mode Specification at Command Line
The -ftarget-register-alloc-mode=<arg> compiler option provides the ability to guide GRF mode selection in the IGC graphics compiler. The format of <arg> is Device0:Mode0[,Device1:Mode1...]. Currently the only supported Device is pvc. The supported modes are:
- default
Provide no specification to IGC on the register file mode to select. Currently, IGC always chooses small register file mode with no specification.
- small
Forces IGC to select small register file mode for ALL kernels
- large
Forces IGC to select large register file mode for ALL kernels
- auto
Enables IGC to select small/large GRF mode on a per-kernel basis based on heuristics
If this option is not specified, IGC selects a GRF mode on a per-kernel basis based on heuristics on Linux for the Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series and small GRF mode otherwise.
OpenMP - GRF Mode Selection (AOT)
Following are the various commands that can be used to specify the requisite backend option during AOT compilation for OpenMP backends. Here, test.cpp can be any valid program:
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64_gen
-Xopenmp-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will force large GRF mode for all kernels
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64_gen
-Xopenmp-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will use compiler heuristics to pick between small and large GRF
mode on a per-kernel basis
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64_gen
-Xopenmp-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will automatically use small GRF mode for all kernels
OpenMP - GRF Mode Selection (JIT)
Following are the various commands that can be used to specify the requisite backend option during JIT compilation for OpenMP backends. Here, test.cpp can be any valid program:
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64
// IGC will force large GRF mode for all kernels
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64
// IGC will use compiler heuristics to pick between small and large GRF
mode on a per-kernel basis
icpx -fiopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64
// IGC will automatically use small GRF mode for all kernels
SYCL – GRF Mode Selection (AOT)
Following are the various commands that can be used to specify the requisite backend option during AOT compilation for SYCL backends. Here, test.cpp can be any valid SYCL program:
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen
-Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will force large GRF mode for all kernels
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen
-Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will use compiler heuristics to pick between small and large GRF
mode on a per-kernel basis
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen
-Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc" test.cpp
// IGC will automatically use small GRF mode for all kernels
SYCL – GRF Mode Selection (JIT)
Following are the various commands that can be used to specify the requisite backend option during JIT compilation for SYCL backends. Here, test.cpp can be any valid SYCL program:
icpx -fsycl
// IGC will force large GRF mode for all kernels
icpx -fsycl
// IGC will use compiler heuristics to pick between small and large GRF
mode on a per-kernel basis
icpx -fsycl
// IGC will automatically use small GRF mode for all kernels
Performance Tuning Using GRF Mode Selection
This section discusses the impact of GRF mode selection on device code performance. The examples shown in this section use the OpenMP offloading model and JIT compilation flow. Two of the main features that govern GRF mode selection are the following: (1) Register pressure for kernel code (2) Number of parallel execution threads. Following is a code snippet containing an OpenMP offload region and this will be used in the forthcoming analysis.
#pragma omp target teams distribute thread_limit(ZDIM *NX1 *NX1)
for (int e = 0; e < nelt; e++) {
double s_u[NX1 * NX1 * NX1];
double s_D[NX1 * NX1];
// SLM used for the three arrays here
double s_ur[NX1 * NX1 * NX1];
double s_us[NX1 * NX1 * NX1];
double s_ut[NX1 * NX1 * NX1];
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int inner = 0; inner < innerub; inner++) {
int k = inner / (NX1 * NX1);
int j = (inner - k * NX1 * NX1) / NX1;
int i = inner - k * NX1 * NX1 - j * NX1;
if (k == 0)
s_D[I2(i, j)] = D[I2(i, j)];
for (; k < NX1; k += ZDIM) {
s_u[I3(i, j, k)] = u[I4(i, j, k, e)];
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int inner = 0; inner < innerub; inner++) {
int k = inner / (NX1 * NX1);
int j = (inner - k * NX1 * NX1) / NX1;
int i = inner - k * NX1 * NX1 - j * NX1;
double r_G00, r_G01, r_G02, r_G11, r_G12, r_G22;
for (; k < NX1; k += ZDIM) {
double r_ur, r_us, r_ut;
r_ur = r_us = r_ut = 0;
#pragma unroll NX1
for (int m = 0; m < NX1; m++) {
r_ur += s_D[I2(i, m)] * s_u[I3(m, j, k)];
r_us += s_D[I2(j, m)] * s_u[I3(i, m, k)];
r_ut += s_D[I2(k, m)] * s_u[I3(i, j, m)];
const unsigned gbase = 6 * I4(i, j, k, e);
r_G00 = g[gbase + 0];
r_G01 = g[gbase + 1];
r_G02 = g[gbase + 2];
s_ur[I3(i, j, k)] = r_G00 * r_ur + r_G01 * r_us + r_G02 * r_ut;
r_G11 = g[gbase + 3];
r_G12 = g[gbase + 4];
s_us[I3(i, j, k)] = r_G01 * r_ur + r_G11 * r_us + r_G12 * r_ut;
r_G22 = g[gbase + 5];
s_ut[I3(i, j, k)] = r_G02 * r_ur + r_G12 * r_us + r_G22 * r_ut;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int inner = 0; inner < innerub; inner++) {
int k = inner / (NX1 * NX1);
int j = (inner - k * NX1 * NX1) / NX1;
int i = inner - k * NX1 * NX1 - j * NX1;
for (; k < NX1; k += ZDIM) {
double wr = 0.0;
for (int m = 0; m < NX1; m++) {
double s_D_i = s_D[I2(m, i)];
double s_D_j = s_D[I2(m, j)];
double s_D_k = s_D[I2(m, k)];
wr += s_D_i * s_ur[I3(m, j, k)] + s_D_j * s_us[I3(i, m, k)] +
s_D_k * s_ut[I3(i, j, m)];
w[I4(i, j, k, e)] = wr;
There are two parameters that can be modified here: (1) Unroll factor of inner loop in line number 36 (2) Number of OpenMP teams specified in line number 1. The unroll factor can be used to control register pressure. Greater the unroll factor, higher will be the register pressure. Number of OpenMP teams can be used to control the number of parallel threads. In this discussion, kernel execution time on the device is used as metric for performance. Actual numbers are not provided as they may vary based on user environments and device settings. Following are some observations:
When unrolling is turned off, use of small GRF mode is found to provide
better performance. This implies that the register pressure is not high
enough to get any benefits out of using large GRF mode.
When unrolling is turned on, use of large GRF mode is found to provide
better performance. This implies that the register pressure is high and
large GRF mode is required to accommodate this pressure.
Increase in number of teams tends to result in better performance for
larger (higher register pressure) workloads when using small GRF mode.