Porting Code with High Register Pressure to Intel® Max GPUs
When migrating code from CUDA to SYCL, it may happen that the resulting SYCL code does not perform well on Intel® Data Center GPUs (e.g. the Intel® Data Center GPU Max 1550) despite showing good performance on NVIDIA GPUs. In some cases this is due to register spills on Intel® GPUs which do not occur on NVIDIA GPUs due to the different sizes of the general-purpose register files (GRF). Possible ways to handle these register spills without changes to the code is discussed in what follows. Further optimization techniques for reducing the overall register pressure can be found in Optimizing Register Spills.
A Simple Code Example with High Register Pressure
The example used for this demonstration is inspired by code performing automatic differentiation utilizing multivariate dual numbers. No knowledge about dual numbers is required to understand the following example. For more information on dual numbers we refer to the Wikipedia page and this book.
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#define NREGISTERS 80
#ifndef SIMD16
#define SIMD_SIZE 32
#define SIMD_SIZE 16
class my_type {
my_type(double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5,
double x6, double x7)
: x0_(x0), x1_(x1), x2_(x2), x3_(x3), x4_(x4), x5_(x5), x6_(x6), x7_(x7) {
my_type(double const *const vals)
: x0_(vals[0]), x1_(vals[1]), x2_(vals[2]), x3_(vals[3]), x4_(vals[4]),
x5_(vals[5]), x6_(vals[6]), x7_(vals[7]) {}
my_type operator+(const my_type &rhs) {
return my_type(rhs.x0_ + x0_, rhs.x1_ + x1_, rhs.x2_ + x2_, rhs.x3_ + x3_,
rhs.x4_ + x4_, rhs.x5_ + x5_, rhs.x6_ + x6_, rhs.x7_ + x7_);
void WriteBack(double *const vals) {
vals[0] += x0_;
vals[1] += x1_;
vals[2] += x2_;
vals[3] += x3_;
vals[4] += x4_;
vals[5] += x5_;
vals[6] += x6_;
vals[7] += x7_;
double x0_, x1_, x2_, x3_, x4_, x5_, x6_, x7_;
int main(int argc, char **) {
sycl::queue Q(sycl::gpu_selector_v);
size_t nsubgroups;
if (argc > 1)
nsubgroups = 10;
nsubgroups = 8;
const size_t ARR_SIZE = nsubgroups * SIMD_SIZE * NREGISTERS;
double *val_in = sycl::malloc_shared<double>(ARR_SIZE, Q);
double *val_out = sycl::malloc_shared<double>(ARR_SIZE, Q);
std::cout << "Using simd size " << SIMD_SIZE << std::endl;
Q.parallel_for(ARR_SIZE, [=](auto it) {
val_in[it.get_id()] = argc * it.get_id();
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int rep = 0; rep < 1000; rep++) {
Q.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1>(nsubgroups * SIMD_SIZE, SIMD_SIZE),
[=](auto it) [[intel::reqd_sub_group_size(SIMD_SIZE)]] {
const size_t id = it.get_global_linear_id();
double const *const val_offs = val_in + id * NREGISTERS;
my_type v0(val_offs + 0);
my_type v1(val_offs + 8);
my_type v2(val_offs + 16);
my_type v3(val_offs + 24);
my_type v4(val_offs + 32);
my_type v5(val_offs + 40);
my_type v6(val_offs + 48);
my_type v7(val_offs + 56);
my_type v8(val_offs + 64);
my_type v9(val_offs + 72);
my_type p0 = v0 + v5;
my_type p1 = v1 + v6;
my_type p2 = v2 + v7;
my_type p3 = v3 + v8;
my_type p4 = v4 + v9;
p0 = p0 + p1 + v5;
p2 = p2 + p3 + v6;
p4 = p4 + p1 + v7;
p3 = p3 + p2 + v8;
p2 = p0 + p4 + v9;
p1 = p1 + v0;
double *const vals_out_offs = val_out + id * NREGISTERS;
p1.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 8);
p2.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 16);
p3.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 24);
p4.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 32);
v0.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 40);
v1.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 48);
v2.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 56);
v3.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 64);
v4.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 72);
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "Took "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time -
<< " microseconds" << std::endl;
sycl::free(val_in, Q);
sycl::free(val_out, Q);
return 0;
The code shows a class my_type, which represents a dimension 7 dual number and which wraps 8 doubles and includes overloads of arithmetic operators. The main function of the program initializes some data and then launches a specific GPU kernel 1000 times (for loop in line 70, kernel launch in line 72). These repeated launches are purely for the purpose of getting more accurate performance numbers and do not influence the register spills under consideration. The kernel uses the data to initialize several my_type dual numbers and then performs several arithmetic operations with them in such a way that they produce high register pressure.
More precisely, the SYCL code compiled for an NVIDIA A100 GPU with oneAPI for NVIDIA GPUs and the following command
clang++ -O2 -Xcuda-ptxas -v -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvidia_gpu_sm_80 --cuda-path=/opt/hpc_software/compilers/nvidia/cuda-12.0 main.cpp -o exec_cuda.out
shows that 168 registers are allocated, and none are spilled with the following output
ptxas info : Used 168 registers, 380 bytes cmem[0]
Compiling the code for PVC, on the other hand, using ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation (cf. Ahead-Of-Time Compilation) with oneAPI 2023.2.0 with the following command
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen -Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc"
main.cpp -o exec_jit.out
results in register spills as indicated by a compiler warning such as the following
warning: kernel _ZTSZ4mainEUlT_E0_ compiled SIMD32 allocated 128 regs and spilled around 396
The execution time of the code on an A100 80GB GPU and a single stack of the Intel® Data Center GPU Max 1550 is shown in the following table.
Hardware |
Time (ms), lower is better |
Register Spills |
A100 80GB |
21.5 |
No |
1T Max 1550 |
36.1 |
Yes |
It is evident that the execution time on the Intel® GPU is significantly longer than on the NVIDIA GPU. Based on the information above, it is reasonable to expect that the difference is related to the register allocations. To understand the underlying cause, the following section points out the differences in the register files.
Registers on an Intel® Data Center GPU Max 1550
The difference in the register allocation is due to the different sizes of the general-purpose register files (GRF). More precisely, a NVIDIA A100 GPU provides up to 256 32-bit wide registers per work-item whereas the Intel® Data Center GPU Max 1550 provides by default 64 32-bit wide registers (assuming the same number of 32 work-items per sub-group as NVIDIA, cf. Intel® Xe GPU Architecture), i.e., a quarter of the NVIDIA GPU. There are two possibilities to adjust the available number of registers: the large GRF mode (cf. Small Register Mode vs. Large Register Mode) and a reduced sub-group size (cf. Sub-Groups and SIMD Vectorization). The impact of these two options on the above example are discussed in the following section.
Hardware |
SIMD width |
GRF mode |
Registers per work-item |
A100 80GB |
32 |
N.A |
256 x 32-bit |
1T Max 1550 |
32 |
default |
64 x 32-bit |
1T Max 1550 |
32 |
large GRF |
128 x 32-bit |
1T Max 1550 |
16 |
default |
128 x 32-bit |
1T Max 1550 |
16 |
large GRF |
256 x 32-bit |
Increasing the Number of Registers per Work-item
The above example requires 168 registers. Based on the discussion in the previous section, large GRF mode and a reduced SIMD width of 16 together should therefore avoid register spills. In what follows we check the three remaining combinations of the GRF mode and the SIMD width and we will see that, indeed, large GRF mode and SIMD 16 is required to avoid all register spills.
First, compiling the code again with large GRF, using
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen -Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc -options -ze-opt-large-register-file" main.cpp -o exec_largegrf.out
still shows the following warning about register spills, although significantly less than before.
warning: kernel _ZTSZ4mainEUlT_E0_ compiled SIMD32 allocated 256 regs and spilled around 206
This is expected considering that only 128 32-bit wide registers are now available for the 168 required registers.
The second option to reduce the register spills is to reduce the SIMD width from 32 to 16 through a small change in the code. This can be done in this case by compiling the code with the following command
icpx -DSIMD16 -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_gen -Xsycl-target-backend "-device pvc" main.cpp -o exec_simd16.out
Using the default GRF mode with SIMD width 16 again shows a warning about register spills.
warning: kernel _ZTSZ4mainEUlT_E0_ compiled SIMD16 allocated 128 regs and spilled around 112
Using both, a reduced SIMD width of 16 and large GRF mode, removes all register spills and no warning is given by the compiler, which is in line with the initial expectations.
The execution times for the four configurations are shown in the following table.
GRF mode |
SIMD width |
Register Spills |
Time (ms), lower is better |
default |
32 |
Yes |
36.1 |
large GRF |
32 |
Yes |
32.2 |
default |
16 |
Yes |
30.3 |
large GRF |
16 |
No |
27.7 |
Clearly, the best performance is achieved in the case where no register spills happen. It is interesting to note that SIMD width 16 is preferable to large GRF mode. This is not surprising considering that with large GRF mode each XVE has 4 threads.
Special Considerations When Porting to SIMD 16
There are certain cases where the above methods may not be suitable or require special attention. On the one hand, as indicated above, with large GRF mode, 4 instead of 8 threads are available on each XVE. This may result in worse performance for certain cases.
On the other hand, switching from SIMD 32 to SIMD 16 may require special attention since it may lead to wrong results. An example is shown in the following code.
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
#define NREGISTERS 80
#ifndef SIMD16
#define SIMD_SIZE 32
#define SIMD_SIZE 16
class my_type {
my_type(double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3, double x4, double x5,
double x6, double x7)
: x0_(x0), x1_(x1), x2_(x2), x3_(x3), x4_(x4), x5_(x5), x6_(x6), x7_(x7) {
my_type(double const *const vals)
: x0_(vals[0]), x1_(vals[1]), x2_(vals[2]), x3_(vals[3]), x4_(vals[4]),
x5_(vals[5]), x6_(vals[6]), x7_(vals[7]) {}
my_type operator+(const my_type &rhs) {
return my_type(rhs.x0_ + x0_, rhs.x1_ + x1_, rhs.x2_ + x2_, rhs.x3_ + x3_,
rhs.x4_ + x4_, rhs.x5_ + x5_, rhs.x6_ + x6_, rhs.x7_ + x7_);
void WriteBack(double *const vals) {
vals[0] += x0_;
vals[1] += x1_;
vals[2] += x2_;
vals[3] += x3_;
vals[4] += x4_;
vals[5] += x5_;
vals[6] += x6_;
vals[7] += x7_;
void Load(double const *const vals) {
x0_ = vals[0];
x1_ = vals[1];
x2_ = vals[2];
x3_ = vals[3];
x4_ = vals[4];
x5_ = vals[5];
x6_ = vals[6];
x7_ = vals[7];
double x0_, x1_, x2_, x3_, x4_, x5_, x6_, x7_;
int main(int argc, char **) {
sycl::queue Q(sycl::gpu_selector_v);
size_t nsubgroups;
if (argc > 1)
nsubgroups = 10;
nsubgroups = 8;
const size_t ARR_SIZE = nsubgroups * SIMD_SIZE * NREGISTERS;
double *val_in = sycl::malloc_shared<double>(ARR_SIZE, Q);
double *val_out = sycl::malloc_shared<double>(ARR_SIZE, Q);
std::cout << "Using simd size " << SIMD_SIZE << std::endl;
Q.parallel_for(ARR_SIZE, [=](auto it) {
val_in[it.get_id()] = argc * it.get_id();
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int rep = 0; rep < 1000; rep++) {
Q.submit([&](auto &h) {
sycl::local_accessor<double, 1> slm(sycl::range(32 * 8), h);
h.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<1>(nsubgroups * SIMD_SIZE, 32),
[=](auto it) [[intel::reqd_sub_group_size(SIMD_SIZE)]] {
const int id = it.get_global_linear_id();
const int local_id = it.get_local_id(0);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
slm[i + local_id * 8] = 0.0;
#ifdef SIMD16
double const *const val_offs = val_in + id * NREGISTERS;
my_type v0(val_offs + 0);
my_type v1(val_offs + 8);
my_type v2(val_offs + 16);
my_type v3(val_offs + 24);
my_type v4(val_offs + 32);
my_type v5(val_offs + 40);
my_type v6(val_offs + 48);
my_type v7(val_offs + 56);
my_type v8(val_offs + 64);
my_type v9(val_offs + 72);
my_type p0 = v0 + v5;
v0.WriteBack(&slm[local_id * 8]);
#ifdef SIMD16
v0.Load(&slm[32 * 8 - 8 - local_id * 8]);
my_type p1 = v1 + v6;
my_type p2 = v2 + v7;
my_type p3 = v3 + v8;
my_type p4 = v4 + v9;
p0 = p0 + p1 + v5;
p2 = p2 + p3 + v6;
p4 = p4 + p1 + v7;
p3 = p3 + p2 + v8;
p2 = p0 + p4 + v9;
p1 = p1 + v0;
double *const vals_out_offs = val_out + id * NREGISTERS;
p1.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 8);
p2.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 16);
p3.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 24);
p4.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 32);
v0.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 40);
v1.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 48);
v2.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 56);
v3.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 64);
v4.WriteBack(vals_out_offs + 72);
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "Took "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time -
<< " microseconds" << std::endl;
sycl::free(val_in, Q);
sycl::free(val_out, Q);
return 0;
It is similar to the first example above but introduces a shared local memory array (SLM, cf. Shared Local Memory) which is utilized to transpose the values stored in v0 within each work-group (which coincides with the sub-groups when using SIMD 32), as illustrated in the following figure and table.
work-item local id store to SLM |
work-item local id load from SLM |
0 |
31 |
1 |
30 |
2 |
29 |
… |
… |
29 |
2 |
30 |
1 |
31 |
0 |
In the present case, the switch from SIMD 32 to SIMD 16 produces in general wrong results. The reason is that the synchronization between 32 work-items accessing the SLM is not guaranteed in the SIMD 16 case. This is not an issue in the SIMD 32 case since the work-items are in the same sub-group, which are processed together (cf. Sub-Groups and SIMD Vectorization). Thus, in the SIMD 16 case it may happen that a value in SLM is read and used (line 120) before it is actually written (line 116). To solve this issue, a SLM barrier needs to be added, as shown in line 118, to ensure that all values are written before any are read. Note that these barriers may negatively impact the computing time. The computing times for this example in the four configurations, are shown in the following table.
GRF mode |
SIMD width |
Register Spills |
Time (ms), lower is better |
default |
32 |
Yes |
38.0 |
large GRF |
32 |
Yes |
33.7 |
default |
16 |
Yes |
31.3 |
large GRF |
16 |
No |
29.7 |
To summarize, when porting high-register-pressure code from NVIDIA GPUs to Intel® GPUs, the code may show sub-optimal performance due to register spills induced by the different GRF sizes. In such a case, there are simple ways to increase the GRF size to better align the performance on the different devices with minimal code adjustments.