Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers User Guide

ID 767266
Date 6/13/2023

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Device I/O Metrics

Device Input/Output metrics help you quantify your device's network and disk load.

The table below lists all Device I/O metrics that you can analyze with Intel® GPA.

Metric Name


Disk Read

Indicates the rate at which data is read from internal storage or SD card. The metric includes data read by any application on the device, not just the target application.

Disk Write

Indicates the rate at which data is written to internal storage or SD card. The metric includes data written by any application on the device, not just the target application.

Network RX

Represents the rate at which data is received from the network interfaces. The metric includes data received by any application on the device, not just the target application. The loopback interface is not included.

Network TX

Represents the rate at which data is transmitted by the network interfaces. The metric includes data transmitted by any application on the device, not just the target application. The loopback interface is not included.