Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 6/24/2024

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QuickWin Function: Removes the callback routine registered for a specified window by an earlier call to REGISTERMOUSEEVENT. This routine is only available for Windows.



result = UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT (unit,mouseevents)


(Input) INTEGER(4) on IA-32 architecture; INTEGER(8) on Intel® 64 architecture. Unit number of the window whose callback routine on mouse events is to be unregistered.


(Input) INTEGER(4). One or more mouse events handled by the callback routine to be unregistered. Symbolic constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90) for the possible mouse events are:

  • MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWN - Left mouse button down

  • MOUSE$LBUTTONUP - Left mouse button up

  • MOUSE$LBUTTONDBLCLK - Left mouse button double-click

  • MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN - Right mouse button down

  • MOUSE$RBUTTONUP - Right mouse button up

  • MOUSE$RBUTTONDBLCLK - Right mouse button double-click

  • MOUSE$MOVE - Mouse moved


The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero or a positive integer if successful; otherwise, a negative integer that can be one of the following:

  • MOUSE$BADUNIT - The unit specified is not open, or is not associated with a QuickWin window.

  • MOUSE$BADEVENT - The event specified is not supported.

Once you call UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT, QuickWin no longer calls the callback routine specified earlier for the window when mouse events occur. Calling UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT when no callback routine is registered for the window has no effect.