Using DrDebug requires following two phases
1. recording and 2. replaying.
- GDB version 7.4 or higher with Python support
- PinPlay/DrDebug kit (Linux)
Unpack the latest PinPlay/DrDebug kit:
tar -zxf <kit_tar_gz>
setenv PIN_ROOT <path-to-DrDeubug-kit>
setenv PATH $PIN_ROOT/extras/pinplay/scripts/:$PATH
export PIN_ROOT=<path-to-DrDeubug-kit>
export PATH=$PIN_ROOT/extras/pinplay/scripts/:$PATH
CAUTION: Recording causes a major (100x or so) slow-down [see PinPlay FAQ], so it is highly recommended that you narrow down the execution region where the bug appears (both 'root cause' and 'symptom') and only record the 'buggy region'. Best alternative is to use 'gdb_record' to first go to the beginning of your region of interest and then turn on recording. Using the 'attach' mode (either 'record' or 'gdb_record') is another good alternative. You can also specify a region to 'record' using some 'controller switches' (e.g. '-log:start_address'/'-log:stop_address' etc.). See documentation on region specification.
With GDB
Script to use: gdb_record
Usage : gdb_record <options> -- bin args
OR gdb_record --pid=XXXX <options> -- bin #no args
options:Type 'gdb_record --help' for a full list of options.
% gdb_record --pinball=region.pb/log -- bread-demo
(gdb) b 113
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401908: file bread-demo.cpp, line 113.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd5b8) at bread-demo. cpp:113
113 Go = true;
(gdb) pin record on
monitor record on
Started recording region number 0
(gdb) b 149
Breakpoint 2 at 0x401b67: file bread-demo.cpp, line 149.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd5b8) at bread-demo.cpp:149
149 std::cout << "\n";
(gdb) pin record off
monitor record off
Stopped recording region number 0.
Move forward before turning recording on again.
(gdb) c
From command line (without GDB)
Script to use: record
Usage : record <options> -- bin args
OR record --pid=XXXX <options> -- bin #no args
options:Type 'record --help' for a full list of options.
% record --pinball=myregion.pb/log --pintool_options="-log:start_address 0x401908 -log:stop_address 0x401b67" -- bread-demo
With GDB
Script to use: gdb_replay
Usage : gdb_replay <options> -- pinball-basename program-binary
options:Type 'gdb_replay --help' for a full list of options.
% gdb_replay -- region.pb/log_0 bread-demo
(gdb) b 141
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401ae3: file bread-demo.cpp, line 141.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd5b8) at bread-demo.cpp:141
141 std::cout << "Total revenue: $" << std::setprecision(2) << std::fix
ed << revenue;
(gdb) print revenue
$1 = 21975.129998207092
(gdb) c
From command line (without GDB)
Script to use: replay
Usage : replay <options> -- pinball-basename
options:Type 'replay --help' for a full list of options.
% replay -- myregion.pb/log_0