Intel® FPGA Add-On for oneAPI Base Toolkit 2021 Release Notes

ID 685524
Updated 1/11/2023
Version 2021.4



Where To Find the Component

Visit the Intel® FPGA Add-On for the oneAPI Base Toolkit website to download the toolkit.

The Intel® FPGA Add-On for oneAPI Base Toolkit is a specialized component intended to be used in conjunction with the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler that is part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit (Base Kit). Installation of both the base toolkit and this add-on is required to work through the hardware compile stage of the FPGA design flow.

NOTE: This add-on is not required for emulation or report generation stages of the FPGA development flow. You can complete them with just the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit.

New in This Release

In the 2021.4 release, added support for Intel® custom platforms with Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 21.2.


Use the Intel® FPGA Add-on for oneAPI Base Toolkit with the following:

Supported Hardware and Operating System

See Intel® FPGA Add-On for oneAPI Base Toolkit System Requirements.


The Intel® FPGA Add-on for the oneAPI Base Toolkit 2021.4 version is compatible with the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit 2021.4 version.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with the silent seamless installation where all Intel FPGA Add-on packages were getting installed no matter which add-on package was selected for installation.

  • Fixed an issue where full hardware compilation used to fail on the FPGA Add-on for Custom Platforms using Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.

Known Issues

  • If you are using the Intel® FPGA Add-on for Intel® Custom Platforms installer on Windows*, ensure that the Board Support Package (BSP) provided to you by your vendor is not calling the adjust_plls.tcl script that is provided as part of the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler. Calling this script results in compilation errors due to the space in the install path. If your BSP does call this script, please contact your board vendor for alternatives.
  • In the Windows FPGA add-on packages, the uninstall script might sometimes remain in the intelfpgadpcpp folder upon uninstallation. You can safely delete the file manually once the uninstall process is completed.
  • When using the YUM installer on Linux systems to install the Custom Platforms FPGA add-ons using the .rpm files, upon uninstallation, the latest symlink folder continues to exist and you must remove it manually.
  • ​​In the Linux Custom Platforms add-on packages with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software versions 20.4 and 21.1, the module files currently do not successfully set up the environment. As a workaround, use the script to set up the environment for both add-on packages. 
  • The FPGA Add-on for Custom Platforms using Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2 software does not include the Questa* simulation software. As a workaround, you must download and install the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Editon or Questa*-Intel® FPGA Starter Edition software separately from the Download Center for FPGAs and set up the environment for the FPGA simulation flow. For comprehensive instructions, see Evaluate Your Kernel Through Simulation (Beta) topic in the Intel® oneAPI Programming Guide
  • When installing any FPGA add-on .rpm files on a RHEL 7/CentOS 7 system, you might encounter an error as shown in the following example for FPGA Add-on for Custom Platforms using Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro 20.4 software:
    Error downloading packages:
    intel-oneapi-intelfpgadpcpp-custom-platforms-quartus20.4-2021.3.0-1.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

    If you still want to install the add-ons using .rpm files on that system, as a workaround, use wget or curl to first download the add-on .rpm files, and then install them with yum locally. For example:
    yum install ./intel-oneapi-intelfpgadpcpp-custom-platforms-quartus20.4-2021.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm ./intel-oneapi-intelfpgadpcpp-custom-platforms-quartus20.4-part2-2021.3.0-1.x86_64.rpm

For Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler related issues, refer to Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Release Notes.

Code Samples

Download FPGA design examples and tutorials from the oneAPI-Samples git repository.


Refer to the following guides for additional information:

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