How to Make Floating Licenses Accessible Across a Local Network

ID 749301
Updated 12/13/2016
Version Latest



This guide explains how to make the floating license server available to Intel® software development tool client systems for license check-out.

Method 1: Propagate Environment Variable

If you select this method, you need to apply it each time a floating license is installed.

Windows* Network

Make sure powershell remoting is enabled.

Execute in the powershell console:

$comps = @(<list>)
$setenv = {[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("INTEL_LICENSE_FILE", <value>, "Machine")}

If you are a domain admin, then execute this command:

Invoke-Command -Computer $comps -ScriptBlock $setenv

If you are not a domain admin, then execute this command:

foreach ($comp in $comps)
    { Invoke-Command -Computer $comp -Credential $comp\Administrator -ScriptBlock $setenv }

Here, <list> is the list of computers on local network. <value> <value> is the port@server-hostname value provided by the ISL manager installer.

Linux* Network

Establish passwordless SSH connectivity (can be done using script sshconnectivity.exp provided with ISL Manager)

Execute the following commands:

for comp in "$comps"; do
    ssh $comp "echo INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=<value> >> /etc/environment"

Method 2: Share Directory

If you choose this method, you only need to apply it once.

Windows Network

Share the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses" using the "Properties -> Sharing" context menu item. Then, on each machine in the network, set the environment variable to INTEL_LICENSE_FILE to \\<admin_host>\<license_share> as described in Method 1.

Linux Network

On admin host, type

echo "/opt/intel/licenses *(ro)" >> /etc/exports
exportfs -ra

In the command above, "*" can be replaced with more specific wildcard or IP range.

Execute the following code on each machine on the network (for example via SSH, as described in Method 1):

mkdir -p /opt/intel/licenses
echo "<admin_host>:/opt/intel/licenses /opt/intel/licenses nfs ro" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a

For more information about the floating license server, see /content/www/us/en/developer/articles/training/intel-software-license-manager-getting-started-tutorial.html.