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Stratix Device Handbook- Volume 1- Architecture- Config and Testing- Characteristics- Reference and Ordering Information
Usage instructions
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Title and Description
Stratix® Device Handbook, Volume 3, Section 7, Chapter 13: Package Information for Stratix Devices
Pin Tables, Layout Guidelines, FBGA, BGA, Designing with packages
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1, Chapter 1: Introduction
This document introduces the features of Stratix devices.
Stratix® Device Handbook, Volume 2
upgrades- design- configuration- Remote System- IP- Stratix® devce - DDR- I/O- Clock- Memory
Stratix Device Handbook Volume 1, Chapter 4: DC & Switching Characteristics
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1, Architecture, Config and Testing, Characteristics, Reference and Ordering Information
Stratix® Device Hanbook Volume 1, Chapter 3: Configuration & Testing
This document displays Stratix® devices' configuration and testing.
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 10: Transitioning APEX™ Designs to Stratix® & Stratix® GX Devices
APEX™ design transition to Stratix® and Stratix® GX devices
Stratix® Device Handbook, Volumes 1 & 2
Stratix® Device Handbook, Volumes 1 & 2, Architecture, Config and Testing, Characteristics, Reference and Ordering Information
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 1: General-Purpose PLLs in Stratix® & Stratix® GX Devices
This document describes general-purpose PLL usage in Stratix® and Stratix® GX devices.
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1, Chapter 2: Stratix® Architecture
This document shows the functional description and architecture of Stratix® Devices.
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 8: Implementing 10-Gigabit Ethernet Using Stratix® & Stratix® GX Devices
10-Gigabit Ethernet and Stratix® and Stratix® GX devices
Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 2, Chapter 9: Implementing SFI-4 in Stratix® & Stratix® GX Devices
SFI-4 and Stratix® and Stratix® GX devices