VHDL: Behavioral Counter
This example implements a behavioral counter with load, clear, and up/down features. It has not been optimized for a particular device architecture, so performance may vary. Intel® FPGA recommends using the lpm_counter function to implement a counter (see VHDL: Down Counter). This example is provided to show counter implementation that does not require the LPM.
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ENTITY counters IS PORT( d : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255; clk : IN BIT; clear : IN BIT; load : IN BIT; up_down : IN BIT; qd : OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255); END counters; ARCHITECTURE a OF counters IS BEGIN -- An up/down counter PROCESS (clk) VARIABLE cnt : INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 255; VARIABLE direction : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (up_down = '1') THEN --Generate up/down counter direction := 1; ELSE direction := -1; END IF; IF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (load = '1') THEN --Generate loadable cnt := d; --counter. Take these ELSE --lines out to increase performance. cnt := cnt + direction; END IF; --The following lines will produce a synchronous --clear on the counter IF (clear = '0') THEN cnt := 0; END IF; END IF; qd <= cnt; --Generate outputs END PROCESS; END a;