Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software versions 22.4 and earlier, you might see these errors in the Cadence* Xcelium* simulator. These errors occur when compiling libraries generated by the EDA Simulation Library Compiler for Intel Agilex® devices.
error: xmvlog: *e,spfwdu (<installation path>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv): error within protected source code. error: xmvlog: *e,apscns (<installation path>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv): error within protected source code. error: xmvlog: *e,explpa (<installation path>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv): error within protected source code. error: xmvlog: *e,apscns (<installation path>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv): error within protected source code. error: xmvlog: *e,explpa (<installation path>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv): error within protected source code.
To work around this problem, follow these steps:
- Generate the simulation library compiler script for Xcelium.
Example : quartus_sh --simlib_comp -family agilex7 -language verilog -tool xcelium -gen_only -cmd_file run.sh
- Modify the script to add +define+rnrb_one_lib_CXL_TOP_OFF option required for ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv file.
Example : xmvlog -nowarn DLNCML +define+rnrb_one_lib_CXL_TOP_OFF -nocopyright -nowarn -messages -append_log -sv -incdir "<QUARTUS_INSTALLATION>/quartus/eda/sim_lib" -work tennm_hssi_all_ver <QUARTUS_INSTALLATION>/quartus/eda/sim_lib/ctrb_hssi_atoms_ncrypt.sv"
This problem is scheduled to be fixed in the future release of Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software.