Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.3, the testbench provided for the 'Ethernet to CPRI' design example for the F-tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel® FPGA IP will fail to function correctly when dynamically reconfiguring to the 25GE-1 profile. This problem does not affect the design example when run on hardware.
To work around this problem in simulation, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to <your example design directory>/example_testbench.
- Open the file basic_avl_tb_top.sv in your preferred text editor.
- Locate the task eth_dr_to_25g and change the following lines:
// Step 6: Program DUT soft CSR
$display ("** Info: Program DUT soft CSR ....");
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'b0, 24'h200}, {26'h0,6'h0});
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'b0, 24'h204}, {{20'b0},{3'b000},{3'b000},{3'b000},{3'b010}});
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'b0, 24'h208}, {28'h0,4'b000});
// Step 6: Program DUT soft CSR
$display ("** Info: Program DUT soft CSR ....");
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'h10, 24'h200}, {26'h0,6'h0});
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'h10, 24'h204}, {{20'b0},{3'b000},{3'b000},{3'b000},{3'b010}});
repeat (10) @(negedge i_reconfig_clk);
avmm_write({8'h10, 24'h208}, {28'h0,4'b000}); - Save the file.
- Run the simulation using the provided scripts for your selected simulator.
This problem has been fixed starting in version 23.1 of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software.