Article ID: 000092500 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 08/15/2023

Why is my calculated value for Tx or Rx tam_delta incorrect when using the scripts found in the design examples for PTP variants of the F-tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP when running on the Windows* operating system?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.2, the “ptp_fw.tcl” script provided in the design examples for PTP variants of the F-tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP might yield incorrect Tx or Rx tam_delta values. This problem only occurs when the scripts are run on the Windows operating system if the tam_delta value occupies more than 32 bits.


    To work around  this problem,  perform the following steps:

    1). Open the PTP firmware script located at <generated example design folder>/hardware_test_design/hwtest/altera/ptp/ptp_fw.tcl.

    2). Find and replace the following lines of code:

    a). From set bslip_p_dlpulse [format 0x%X ...
         To set bslip_p_dlpulse [format 0x%lX ...

    b). From set tx_tam_delta [format 0x%X [expr $tx_tam_n - $tx_tam_0]]
         To set tx_tam_delta [format 0x%lX [expr $tx_tam_n - $tx_tam_0]]

    c). From set tx_tam_delta [format 0x%X [expr $rx_tam_n + $billion_ns_fns - $tx_tam_0]]
         To set tx_tam_delta [format 0x%lX [expr $tx_tam_n + $billion_ns_fns - $tx_tam_0]]

    d). From set rx_tam_delta [format 0x%X [expr $rx_tam_n - $rx_tam_0]]
         To set rx_tam_delta [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_tam_n - $rx_tam_0]]

    e). From set rx_tam_delta [format 0x%X [expr $rx_tam_n + $billion_ns_fns - $rx_tam_0]]
         To set rx_tam_delta [format 0x%lX [expr $rx_tam_n + $billion_nsfns - $rx_tam_0]]

    f). From set rx_spulse_offset_0      [format 0x%X ...
         To set rx_spulse_offset_0      [format 0x%lX ...

    g). From set rx_spulse_offset_1      [format 0x%X ...
         To set rx_spulse_offset_1      [format 0x%lX ...

    3). Save the file.


    This problem is fixed beginning with the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.4.

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