When you compile the 8B10B Encoder / Decoder on Advanced Synthesis Cookbook, and if your target device is Stratix® V devices, you will get following error messages. The cause of these errors is that the encoder and the decoder use stratixii_lcell_comb sub-module which is not compatible with Stratix V devices.
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "rdoutx" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "rdouty" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "f0_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "f1_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "f2_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "f3_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "f4_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j0_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j1_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j2_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j3_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j4_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "j5_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "kerr6_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "kerr7_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "kerr8_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "kerr9_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Error (12024): WYSIWYG primitive "kerr_rem_I" is not compatible with the current device family
Use stratixv_lcell_comb instead of stratixii_lcell_comb.
To use stratixv_lcell_comb, open Verilog HDL file of the encoder / decoder with a text editor, and then replace "stratixii_lcell_comb" with "stratixv_lcell_comb".
To simulate these examples with the ModelSim® simulator, you must load the Stratix V atom library located in the <Quartus II installation directory>/eda/sim_lib directory.