Yes, you might see a Cyclone® V FPGA transceiver Avalon® Memory Mapped reconfiguration access hang when a mix of RX-only and duplex channel types share the same Reconfiguration intellectual property (IP).
To work around this problem, install the Quartus II software version 13.1 Update 4, then download and install patch 4.43 from the following links:
- Quartus II Software version 13.1 Update 4 patch 4.43 for Windows (.exe)
- Quartus II Software version 13.1 Update 4 patch 4.43 for Linux (.run)
- Readme file for the Quartus II software version 13.1 Update 4 patch 4.43 (.txt)
Alternatively, you can install the Quartus® II software version 14.0.1.