You may see this error message in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Fitter when you instantiate the "tx_pma_div_clkout" port of a Native Phy IP with data rates below 5 Gbps in Arria® 10 devices in Quartus® Prime Software16.1 and 17.0.
Due to a problem with the Native Phy IP, the following error messages are missing.
- Error (15744): The settings must match one or more of these conditions:
- Error (15744): ( datarate_bps > 4999999999 ) OR ( rser_clk_divtx_user_sel == DIVTX_USER_OFF )
- Error (15744): But the following assignments violate the above conditions:
To work around this problem, you can increase your data rate or disable the "tx_pma_div_clkout" port.