Due to a problem in the Quartus® II transceiver ALTGX Megawizard Plugin Manager, you might not be able to control the “Use central clock divider to drive the transmitter channels using X4/XN lines” option when configuring it for Basic “PMA Direct” and dynamic reconfiguration.
This problem is caused by the order in which you set the “Which protocol will you be using”, “Which sub-protocol will you be using” and “Reconfiguration Settings” in the ALTGX Megawizard Plugin Manager.
If you select “Basic (PMA Direct)” or “xN” for the “Which protocol will you be using” or “Which sub-protocol will you be using” options before configuring the ALTGX Megawizard Plugin Manager for dynamic reconfiguration, this may prevent the correct control of the “Use central clock divider to drive the transmitter channels using X4/XN lines” options.
To work around this problem, you can configure your Stratix IV GX device ALTGX Megawizard Plugin Manager for PMA Direct and dynamic reconfiguration in the following order:
- Configure the transceiver ALTGX Megawizard Plugin Manager for dynamic reconfiguration using a “Basic” and “None” setting for the “Which protocol will you be using” or “Which sub-protocol will you be using” options.
- Then set the “Which protocol will you be using” or “Which sub-protocol will you be using” options toyour required PMA Direct options.
This problem will not be fixed in the Quartus II software.