To recover from illegal states in AHDL designs that do not use one-hot state machine encoding, you must name all illegal states in the state machine. The WHEN OTHERS
keywords in the Case Statement applies only to states that have been defined in the state machine declaration. If you declare n bits in a state machine, you should continue to add dummy state names until the number of states reaches 2n.
The example below contains a state machine that can recover from illegal states:
SUBDESIGN recover ( clk : INPUT; go : INPUT; ok : OUTPUT; ) VARIABLE sequence : MACHINE OF BITS (q[2..0]) WITH STATES ( idle, one, two, three, four, illegal1, illegal2, illegal3); BEGIN sequence.clk = clk; CASE sequence IS WHEN idle => IF go THEN sequence = one; END IF; WHEN one => sequence = two; WHEN two => sequence = three; WHEN three => sequence = four; WHEN OTHERS => sequence = idle; END CASE; ok = (sequence == four); END;
keywords cannot be used to recover from illegal states that use one-hot encoding.
To design a one-hot state machine that can recover from illegal states, use registers and combinatorial logic. Do not design it as an AHDL state machine.