Critical Issue
Quartus Prime software generates the following compilation error when either LPM_MUX, LPM_ADD_SUB, LPM_COMPARE, or LPM_CONSTANT IP cores is compiled with Arria 10 and Stratix 10 in Quartus Prime Pro edition because these IP cores are not enabled for these devices:
Error(18185): Your design contains IP components that must be regenerated.
To regenerate your IP, use the Upgrade IP Components dialog box, available on
the Project menu in the Quartus Prime software Error(18186): You must upgrade
the IP component instantiated in file mymux.v to the latest version of the IP
component. Error: Flow failed: ERROR: Current design not found
To avoid the compilation error, remove the .qip file of the instantiated IP cores from your Quartus project. Include only the .v or .vhdl files of the instantiated IP cores into your Quartus project. This issue will be fixed in future releases.