Article ID: 000076610 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 12/01/2024

Why does the Cyclone® 10 DDR3 IP emif_usr_clk frequency simulate inaccurately?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Critical Issue


    Due to a problem with the Cyclone® 10 DDR3 IP, the generated example design simulates the emif_usr_clk frequency inaccurately.

    For instance, if the example design is set with a memory clock frequency = 533.33MHz, clock rate of user logic = Quarter, and the PLL_refclk = 133.33MHz, then the expected emif_usr_clk should simulate at 133.33MHz.

    However, you may observe the emif_usr_clk at 7.52ns = 133MHz in the simulation waveform viewer.


    The workaround is to manually edit the simulation design file (for example, the directory path may look like the following: /emif_c10_0_example_design/sim/ip/ed_sim/ed_sim_emif_c10_0/altera_emif_c10_180/sim/ed_sim_emif_c10_0_altera_emif_c10_*_*.v).

    For the example below, search for the parameters and edit them to the correct period value to match the desired frequency.

    1445:                .PLL_VCO_FREQ_MHZ_INT                            (533),

    1446:                .PLL_VCO_TO_MEM_CLK_FREQ_RATIO     (1),

    1447:                .PLL_PHY_CLK_VCO_PHASE                         (2),

    1448:                .PLL_VCO_FREQ_PS_STR                               ("1876 ps"),

    1449:                .PLL_REF_CLK_FREQ_PS_STR                       ("7504 ps"),

    1450:                .PLL_REF_CLK_FREQ_PS                                 (7504),

    1451:                .PLL_SIM_VCO_FREQ_PS                                (1880),

    1452:                .PLL_SIM_PHYCLK_0_FREQ_PS                     (3760),

    1453:                .PLL_SIM_PHYCLK_1_FREQ_PS                     (7520), // example : change this value from 7520 to 7500 

    1454:                .PLL_SIM_PHYCLK_FB_FREQ_PS                   (7520), // example : change this value from 7520 to 7500 

    1455:                .PLL_SIM_PHY_CLK_VCO_PHASE_PS           (470),

    1456:                .PLL_SIM_CAL_SLAVE_CLK_FREQ_PS          (7520), // example : change this value from 7520 to 7500 

    1457:                .PLL_SIM_CAL_MASTER_CLK_FREQ_PS      (7520), // example : change this value from 7520 to 7500 


    After saving the edited parameters, then re-run the simulation to reflect the correct frequency.



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