Critical Issue
Due to a problem with the Intel® FPGA P-Tile Avalon® streaming IP for PCI* Express, and error of the form shown below will be seen if the option "Enable Completion Timeout Interface" is selected in the IP GUI.
Error: intel_pcie_ptile_ast_0.dummy_user_avmm_rst has an associatedClock of "p0_hip_reconfig_clk" which could not be found
This is due to the completion timeout interface being incorrectly associated with the hip_reconfig_clk. This error prevents the IP from being generated.
In v20.1 of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition of software, no workaround to this problem exists, generate the IP with the option "Enable Completion Timeout Interface" disabled.
This problem has been fixed starting in v20.2 of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition of software.