Article ID: 000076290 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 12/13/2019

How can the read data path read_capture_clk signal of the Intel® UniPHY IP be probed on a test pin by using ECO?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition
  • Memory Interfaces with UniPHY

    When debugging the Intel® UniPHY IP, it may be useful to probe the read_capture_clk signal to investigate the DQS enable functionality gating the DQS signal.

    One solution is to probe the read_capture_clk signal on a test pin by performing the following engineering change order (ECO) steps:

    1. Open Chip Planner, find a pin which you will use as a test pin. Then right click and select Create Atom, set type as output and name it (e.g. eco_atom_dqs).

    2. Double click the atom to the pin's Resource Property Editor page and select the pin's I/O standard.

    3. In the Output buffer, right click Edit Connection > Other and enter the full path of the read_capture_clk in the Signal Name (e.g.  |ddr3ip_example|ddr3ip_example_if0:if0|ddr3ip_example_if0_p0:p0|ddr3ip_example_if0_p0_memphy:umemphy|ddr3ip_example_if0_p0_read_datapath:uread_datapath|read_capture_clk_div2[5]).

    4. Run ECO compilation flow.

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