Article ID: 000076233 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

How do I make I/O element (IOE) assignments in the LeonardoSpectrum software and import them to my Quartus® II project?



You can make IOE assignments in the LeonardoSpectrum software and import them into the Quartus II software. You can set the map_complex attribute on input and output signals to enables the Fast I/O Register assignment in the Quartus II software. You can set this attribute using the Command Line or by embedding it in the user's VHDL or Verilog HDL design files. You can use a tool command language (Tcl) file to export the assignments to the Quartus II software.

For more information on making constraints in LeonardoSpectrum, refer to the Reference Manual provided in the LeonardoSpectrum software Open Manuals Bookcase (Help Menu).

Making IOE Assignments from the LeonardoSpectrum Command Line

The Command Line syntax for this attribute is:
set_attribute '<port name> -port -name map_complex -value TRUE

The LeonardoSpectrum-Altera (Level 1) version of the software does not support command-line operation. You can enter commands such as pin assignments into a Tcl script file. Source the script in the graphical user interface (GUI) by selecting Run Script (File menu).

Making Pin Assignments Using HDL Attributes

Use the following syntax to set the attribute in VHDL code:
attribute map_complex of <port name>:signal is "TRUE";

Use the following syntax to enable this attribute in Verilog HDL:
// exemplar attribute <port name> map_complex TRUE

Exporting Assignments to Quartus II using the Tcl File

A Tcl file containing assignments will be generated along with the .edf. This Tcl file will contain other LeonardoSpectrum generated constraints along with the IOE assignments. Source this Tcl file in the Quartus II software to pass the assignments to Quartus II by typing following command in the Quartus II software Tcl Console window:
source <filename>.tcl

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