Article ID: 000074495 Content Type: Install & Setup Last Reviewed: 01/25/2019

Why does  get an error when hosting an Intel® FPGA Software License and a Mentor Graphics license on the same server?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Due to a problem in FlexLM licensing is used by Intel® FPGA Software License, Mentor Graphics, and other EDA vendors to support floating licenses.  FlexLM only supports running one of each vendor's license daemon (such as alterad or mgcld).  You may see the following messages in your license logfile if you attempt to start license servers for both Intel® FPGA Software and Mentor Graphics on the same license server:

    (mgcld) Cannot open lock file. errno=11 (/var/tmp/lockmgcld): Resource temporarily unavailable
    (mgcld) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 41 Exit reason 9
    (lmgrd) mgcld exited with status 41 (Exited because another server was running)
    (lmgrd) MULTIPLE "mgcld" license server systems running.
    (lmgrd) Please kill, and run lmreread
    (lmgrd) This error probably results from either:
    (lmgrd) 1. Another copy of the license server manager (lmgrd) is running.
    (lmgrd) 2. A prior license server manager (lmgrd) was killed with "kill -9"
    (lmgrd) (which would leave the vendor daemon running).
    (lmgrd) To correct this, do a "ps -ax | grep mgcld"
    (lmgrd) (or equivalent "ps" command)
    (lmgrd) and kill the "mgcld" process.

    This issue occurs when the Intel® FPGA Software License includes feature lines from Mentor Graphics using the mgcld daemon and the Mentor Graphics license also includes feature lines using the mgcld daemon. As mentioned above, FlexLM licensing only supports running one version of a vendor daemon such as mgcld.


    To work around this issue, perform one of the following actions:


    • Rehost either the Intel® FPGA Software License or the Mentor Graphics license to a different license server.
    • Combine the two licenses into a single file which can then use a single alterad daemon and a single mgcld daemon.
    • Edit the two licenses to move all the mgcld features from the Intel® FPGA Software License to the Mentor Graphics license. The Intel® FPGA Software Licenses then uses only a single alterad daemon and the Mentor Graphics license uses only a single mgcld daemon.

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