Instructions to access restricted or Intel Top Secret (ITS) documents in Resource and Documentation Center (RDC)
Unable to see the restricted documents in RDC with the following message:
Prior to accessing the restricted or ITS document, you must have Intel® Developer Zone Premier Privilege for RDC.
- Log in to your Intel Developer Zone Premier account.
- If you don't have an account yet, refer to How to Apply for an Intel® Resource & Documentation Center (RDC) and/or Intel® Developer Zone (DevZone) Account.
- For Intel Employees, submit a request through AGS.
Steps to download and view the ITS document
- Register for Intel® Azure* Account (A one-time process if you are not yet registered with an account)
- Set up your Intel Azure account before opening the document. Configure your Intel Azure account.
- Go to My Apps to confirm that your Intel Azure account is already set up.
- To download the document
- Find all the restricted or ITS documents approved for customers.
- In order to view documents encrypted with Enterprise Rights Management (ERM), you must install the latest version of the Foxit PDF Reader.
For further assistance, contact Intel Customer Support.