How to plan your trip, schedule a tour, or view museum exhibits online
Unable to find information on visiting Intel for Intel Museum tours, fab tours, the Intel Store, locations, exhibitions, and offerings.
The Intel Museum is 10,000 square feet of fun and interactive learning for children and adults. Our museum showcases our history through unique, educational exhibits.
Journey through decades of innovation by visiting the Intel Museum in Santa Clara, CA, or online!
- For hours, address, and directions, visit the museum.
- Schedule a tour or school field trip - Call (480) 765-5050 or email.
- Explore Intel's history in our Virtual Vault.
- View the PDF: How Intel Makes Chips: Transistors to Transformations.
Notice: Due to global pandemic, the Intel Museum and Intel Store will be closed until further notice.
Museum location: 2200 Mission College Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054